Monday, May 19, 2014

TRA: The Right Approach to long Term Weight & Fat Loss

I.    Obesity is a Growing Health Issue

Obesity is a leading preventable cause of death worldwide, with increasing prevalence in adults and children, and authorities view it as one of the most serious public health problems of the 21st century.              

Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems. Body mass index (BMI), a measurement which compares weight and height, defines people as overweight (pre-obese) if their BMI is between 25 and 30 kg/m2, and obese when it is greater than 30 kg/m.  BMI is closely related to both percentage body fat and total body fat, which indicates how healthy the proportion of your fat is to your muscle.  Body Fat standards are 20% for Men and 25% for women.

According to the Food and Nutrition Research Institute, people who are obese increase their risk of Diabetes by 5x, Hypertension by 3.5x, High Uric Acid/Gout, Gallstone, Infertility by 2.5x, Cardiovascular Diseases by double and Arthritis, Bone and joint problems by 1.5x.

There are 2 types of FAT in our body. Subcutaneous Fat is the fat you can grasp with your hands, located between your muscles and skin.   Visceral Fat, however, are underneath our muscles between our internal organs.  While subcutaneous fat is a common aesthetic concern, it has very minimal impact on an individual’s health.  Visceral FAT or “Killer Fat” on the other hand is the major culprit of major health issues.

As Visceral Fat increases, normal organ functions become affected by clogging arteries and veins and by reducing space for organs.  For example, a person with high visceral fat will normally have hypertension as the heart exerts more effort to push blood to the the organs through the congested pathways.  This

 in turn causes the heart to enlarge pushing against the lungs thereby reducing the capacity for oxygen.  Visceral Fat pushing up the diaphragm compounds this situation and this is why fat people often complain of getting more easily tired.  Visceral Fat (in layers) can be measured with a special Body Analyzer device within 2 minutes.  Ideal level is 2-3 for women and up to 5 for men.  Visceral Fat above 10 is already high risk and if not reduced over a prolonged period of time may lead to cancer, heart attack, stroke and diabetes.

Visceral Fat is the most difficult fat to reduce since topical interventions such as slimming machines and mesotherapy are unable to reach beyond the muscle.  While surgery is an option, it is rarely considered as it puts the individual at an even higher risk.  The best way to reduce visceral fat is by addressing the quality of an individual’s diet and increasing his metabolism.

II.  The Long-term Solution:  TRA Transformation Program

The Right Approach (TRA) Transformation Weight Loss Program is a holistic program that helps individuals transition from fat to lean, from unhealthy to healthy by offering a multi-faceted approach to weight loss.   Through this program, participants have shed from 20 up to 40 lbs (losing from 10 up to 25 lbs of unhealthy FAT) within 3-4 months. This without having to go the gym and without going hungry.  Since the program focuses on behavior modification, the results after the program are sustainable long-term.

The Right Approach Weight Loss Program is the only program in the Philippines which has a US Patent for guaranteed effectivity (U.S. Patent No. 7,476,406) and a Singapore Health Authority seal of safety (Lab. No. PH-2008-00246-001 to 003).

The Right Approach has 3 Key Elements:

i.   The Right Products to help your body
i.    controls carbohydrate cravings
ii.   stimulates fat breakdown
iii.  controls cortisol (stress hormone) adverse effects to your body
iv.  blocks unneeded fat and carbohydrate from what you eat
v.    boosts metabolism
vi.  increases your antioxidant immunity as you lose weight
ii.    The Right Nutrition that you can eat for life (Balanced Meals)
i.     No Starving.
ii.    Fruits, Vegetables, Protein, Carbohydrate
iii.   Nutrition Education that can fit your busy lifestyle.

iii.    The Right Education in a 4-week Coaching Program (image)
i.     1-1 mentoring that helps you comfortably transition to a healthy and sustainable diet and lifestyle.
ii.    understand the dynamics of your body to stay lean permanently.
iii.   builds your knowledge to lead a sustainably healthier diet and lifestyle for you and your family.

TRA Results:   Holistic Weight and Fat Loss, only program that targets Visceral Fat!  

How the TRA Transformation Program Works
                Step 1:  Body Assessment, Diagnostic and Consultation
                 > Weight, BMI, Body Fat%, Muscle%, Visceral Fat, Body Age, Antioxidant level.
                Step 2:  Go thru the TRA Program Workshop
                Step 3:  4-week Coaching Program

Decide to LIVE a Healthier Life today:  Book your FREE!! FREE!! FREE!! Personalized Body Assessment, Diagnostic and Consultation Now. FREE!! FREE!! FREE!! Text or Call 09084242232


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